Sweet Vine Products-Muscadine Body Juice
The Research
08/30/2023: New! - Muscadine's Health Potential
Muscadines: A Powerhouse of Health Benefits
Muscadine Health Benefits: Research Interview
Critical Article: Muscadine's Health Benefits
13 Amazing Muscadine Juice Health Benefits
Muscadine Grapes Inhibits Triple-Negative Breast Tumor Growth
Human Clinical Trials on Muscadines
Super Grapes: The Next-Gen Superfruit?
The Original American Grapes: The Hero Polyphenol Antioxidants
America's First Grape: The Muscadine
Muscadine research promises a new category, between table grapes and berries
Muscadine Grapes: A New Health Food and an Alternative Crop
Muscadine Properties
What are they? What do they do?
  Antioxidants are molecules that counteract the damaging process of oxidation. Antioxidants can safely interact with free radicals and can help by terminating the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged.
  There are thousands of antioxidants that can be found in the fruits and vegetables we eat, some more than others, but no single antioxidant can combat the effects of every free radical. Different antioxidants help with different areas of the body to help repair or prevent cell damage.
Antioxidants Diagram
What are they? What do they do?
  Beneficial micronutrients naturally found in plant-based foods. Muscadines have the most polyphenols of any grape. The highest polyphenol content is found in their thick skins and seeds.
Cinnamic Acid
Ellagic Acid
Epicatechin Gallate
Ferulic Acid
Gallic Acid
OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins)
Tartaric Acid
Vanillic Acid
What is Resveratrol?
  A polyphenol found to protect you against diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, and Alzheimer's.  Studies have shown reversatrol reduced or blocked 70% of known Prostate and Breast cancer cell development as well as:
  • Helps Estrogen Metabolism
  • Supports Thyroid Function
  • Reduces Breast Cancer Risk
  • Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk
  • Enhances Immune System
  • Prevents Cardiovascular Disease
  • Reduces Incidence of Cognitive Disorders
  • Powerful Source of Quercetin, Ellagic Acid, Flavonoids, & OPCs
    What do they do?
      Studies have shown these can:
  • Reduce Cell Oxidative Stress
  • Revitalize Energy Levels
  • Boost Cardiovascular Health
  • Increase Blood Flow
  • Improve Brain Function
  • Support Healthy Immune System
  • Promote Joint Health
  • Support Sexual Health
  • Anti-Viral Properties
  • © Sweet Vine Products - Copyright 2024

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Do not consume these products if you are allergic to grapes.

    Sweet Vine Products is your go-to place for all things Muscadine! Muscadine Juice, Scuppernong Juice, Muscadine Jelly, Muscadine Pepper Jelly, Muscadine Vinaigrette Dressing, Muscadine BBQ Sauce, Muscadine Salas, Scuppernong Jelly, Peach Pie Cider, Strawberry Jam Cider, Apple Pie Cider, Apple Cider, Muscadine Cider, Muscadine Slushies and more. Made in North Carolina.